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Clipper/FiveWin - Fivewin 6.12 gratuíto - La Web del Programador
WebTempos atrás eu havia contribuido com este webservice apresentando exemplo de código em xBase, em especial em Harbour, pois eles tinham exemplos em várias outras linguagens. Analise este código, adapte-o e veja o funcionamento: Código: /* Função de busca de Endereço pelo CEP * - Desenvolvido José Carlos da Rocha para ajaxbox.com.br WebFivewin. A commercial Win32 GUI library. HwGUI. A free opensource Win32 and Linux (GTK) GUI library. Mediator RDD for xHarbour. A free and commercial RDD for connecting to SQL databases. HMG. A free opensource Win32 GUI library. NTK Project. A commercial Win32 GUI library (a free limited version is also available). ooHG crypto market site
Harbour manual for beginners - part III - Kresin
WebHarbour is a modern, high-level, cross-platform computer programming language compiler. It is a compiler with support for all major platforms. It runs on and creates binaries for DOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux (32 and 64 bit), Unix (32 and 64 bit), BSD, Mac OS X, Windows CE, Pocket PC, Symbian, iOS (iPhone), Android OS, QNX, VxWorks, Ecomstation ... http://pctoledo.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12408 WebSep 9, 2003 · Michael check out review www.fivetechsoft.com for find information about Fivewin for Harbour and the new Fivewin for C3 my suggestion is look the 32 bits 100 % Clipper compatible compiler C3(www.c3compiler.com),is super powerful and fivetech already has available fivewin for c3.For more info about harbour check www.xharbour.net cryptonoid